Just discovered you via The Response Podcast (https://www.shareable.net/response/disaster-management-climate-crisis-samantha-montano/). Excellent episode and I am a fan! Share with colleagues on FB and LI also.

Will your Disaster Film Class be coming to YouTube or an online course platform at any point in time?

Keep up good work, and I will keep tuning in.

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Really enjoy reading your work (and your book!). I look forward to more in 2024.

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Keep up the great work on all fronts and I'd love to have you on Sustain What to talk about disaster films, disaster realities and human behavior - ideally with John Carr, whose dissertation was on this theme: https://digitalcommons.jsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1017&context=etds_dissertations . Game??

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